Stefan Dobrin was trained the hard way
in absolute secrecy in order to turn into
the perfect lethal machine.
He never succumbed to his trainers’ illicit causes, that’s why he and his brother were neutralised.
Today, Stefan, merciless and relentless,
emerges from his ashes,
and comes back to get his own back.
He unexpectedly crosses paths with Zana,
a woman with a shady past who,
in her attempt to keep to the straight and narrow,
finds herself in the middle of a fierce battle.
They are both forced to blaze a gory trail
to the end of the circle, teetering on an invisible thread full of contradictions and dangers.
In a frenzied course from Athens to America
to the Carpathian Mountains,
life does battle with death, light with darkness,
insanity with reason, hatred with love.
As the hunters keep swapping places with their prey, love seeks a way to become the magic key.
Will the thread hold out, or will it come undone,
as the monsters keep roaring?
Translated by
Dr. Dimitris Thanasoulas
“It could be the script
for a Hollywood movie
full of tension, agony, love,
and passion...
May Invisible Thread
become the window on a world
full of adventure,
making us privy to a love story
that knows no bounds.”
Η Ευαγγελία Ευσταθίου γεννήθηκε και μεγάλωσε στον Πειραιά. Σπούδασε στην Αθήνα, στο Παιδαγωγικό Τμήμα Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης, και εργάζεται ως δασκάλα στη δημόσια εκπαίδευση. Ξεκίνησε πολύ νωρίς τη συγγραφή βιβλίων, μόλις στα 12 χρόνια της, στην αρχή παραµύθια και στη συνέχεια διηγήµατα.. Εκτός απ΄ τη λογοτεχνία και τα παιδιά, που αγαπά πάρα πολύ, ασχολείται με την ποίηση, τη ζωγραφική και το κολάζ, ενώ μιλά αγγλικά και ιταλικά. Είναι παντρεμένη και έχει μια κόρη και ένα γιο.
Δείτε όλα τα βιβλία του συγγραφέα