"Enoch Powell - Racist or nationalist? Loyal ally or ruthless opportunist? The most influential man in post-war politics? Enoch at 100 is a critical reassessment of Enoch Powell's legacy by some of the leading political figures and writers of the current age. Originally released in the year of Enoch's centenary, the contributions, from writers including Iain Duncan Smith, Frank Field, Simon Heffer, Andrew Roberts, Margaret Mountford and Roger Scruton, explore the enigma of a man who - Filled the House of Commons chamber during his speeches, and turned crowds away for lack of room when he spoke publicly. Electrified Parliament defending the rights of Kenyans, but delivered his infamous 'Rivers of Blood' speech a decade later. Resigned very openly over excessive government spending, but initiated the first NHS ten-year hospital building programme. Was credited with winning one general election for the Conservatives, but losing another. Advocated radical de-nationalisation and propounded the benefits of a free market economy. Identified the problems of a single currency and warned of the political realities of the EU. Forecast today's problems arising from legislative devolution."